
来源网友投稿 742 2023-01-15

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本篇文章给大家谈谈钻井液性能测试静切力符号,以及钻井液切力测定方法对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 今天给各位分享钻井液性能测试静切力符号的知识,其中也会对钻井液切力测定方法进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!


钻井液性能测试方面? 详细的!

按API规定常检测的钻井液性能包括:密度、漏斗粘度、塑性粘度、动切力、静切力、API滤失量、HTHP滤失量、Ph值、碱度、含沙量、固相含量、膨润土含量、和滤液中各种离子浓度等。一、 钻井液密度
二、 钻井液的流变性
三、 钻井液的造壁性
四、 钻井液的PH值
五、 钻井液的含沙量
六、 钻井液的固相含量


刚查了下资料 钻井液性能测试标准中没有 LSYP这个性质
按照API(America Petroleum Instistite)推荐的钻井液性能测试标准,需要检测的钻井液常规性能有:密度、漏斗粘度、塑性粘度、动切力、静切力、API滤失量、HTHP滤失量、pH值、含砂量、固相含量、膨润土含量、滤液各种离子浓度。


钻井drilling 钻井方法drilling method 顿钻钻井cable drilling
杆式顿钻rod tool drilling 绳式顿钻cable tool drilling
轻便钻井portable drilling 直井straight hole 深井deep well
超深井super deep well 地热井geothermal well
热采井thermal production well 工程井engineering rejection well
工程报废井abandoned well 弃井abandoned well
钻井设计well design 钻井质量drilling quality
岩石的物理机械性质physical-mechanical properties of rock
矿物的微硬度 micro-hardness of rook
肖氏岩石硬度 Shores hardness 史氏岩石硬度 Shi's hardness
矿物的弹性模量elastic modulus of mineral
岩石的弹性模量elastic modulus of rock
矿物的泊松比Poissons ratio mineral
岩石的泊松比Poissons ratio rock
矿物的切变模量shear modulus of mineral
岩石的切变模量shear modulus of rock
矿物和岩石的体积压缩模量bulk compressibility mineral and rock
岩石的体积压缩系数coefficient of bulk compressibility mineral and rock
岩石的抗拉伸强度tensile strength of rock
岩石的直接拉伸试验 direct tensile test of rock
岩石的巴西劈裂拉伸实验Brazilian test of rock
•岩石的筒形抗内压胀裂试验 burst test of hollow cyling by internal pressure
岩石的常规抗压缩强度 compressive strength of rock
岩石的抗剪切强度 shear strength of rock
岩石的抗剪切强度试验 shear test of rock
岩石的三轴强度试验 tri-axial test of rock
岩石的常规三轴试验 ordinary tri-axial test of rock
岩石的真三轴试验 true tri-axial test of rock
脆性岩石 brittle rock 塑性岩石plastic rock
岩石的假塑性破坏pseudo-plastic breakage of rock
岩石塑性系数coefficient of plasticity of rock
岩石的脆塑性转变压力(临界压力)brittle plastic transitional pressure of rock
岩石的库仑纳维尔强度准则Conlomb-Navier strength criterion of rock
岩石的内磨擦角和内磨擦系数angle of interal friction and coefficient of interal friction of rock
岩石的莫尔强度准则 Mohr strength criterion of rock
岩石的格里菲斯脆性破坏准则 Griffith criterion of brittle failure of rock
统计强度理论statistical strength theory
岩石的表面破碎surface fracture of rock
岩石的疲劳破碎fatigue fracture of rock
岩石的体积破碎volumetric fracture of rock
岩石的单位体积破碎pecific volumetric fracture work of rock
地应力in situ stress
岩层的水平测向应力horizontal stress of strata
测向系数coefficient of lateral pressure
围压confining pressure 有效应力effective stress
压持效应chip hold effect 岩石硬度减低剂rock hardness reducer
岩石的可钻性drill ability of rock 岩石的研磨性rock abrasiveness
钻具drilling tool 钻柱drill stem 复合钻柱combination string
满眼钻柱packed hole assembly 踏式钻铤组合tapered drill collar string
钟摆钻具pendulum assembly 偏重钻铤 unbalanced drill collar
钻柱弯曲buckling of drill string
钻具的扭转震动twisting vibration of drill string
钻杆疲劳破坏fatigue-failure of drill string 上紧矩 make-up torque
应力减轻槽stress-relief groove 减震器vibration dampener
稳定器stabilizer 井眼大扩器reamer 钻井液drilling fluids
水基钻井液water-base drilling fluids
淡水钻井液fresh-water drilling fluids
低固相钻井液low solids fluids
低固相不分散钻井液low solids non-dispersed polymer drilling fluids
抑制性钻井液inhibitive drilling fluids
盐水钻井液salt-water drilling fluids
饱和盐水钻井液saturated salt-water drilling fluids
钙处理钻井液calcium treated drilling fluids
钾盐钻井液potassium drilling fluids
混油钻井液oil-emulsion drilling fluids
生物聚合物钻井液biodegrability drilling fluids
油基钻井液oil base drilling fluids
反相乳化钻井液invert-emulsion drilling fluids
平衡活度钻井液balanced activity drilling fluids
泡沫钻井液foam drilling fluids 密闭液sealing fluids
完井液completion fluids 封隔夜packer fluids
解卡浸泡液stuck freeing spotting fluids
钻井液性能properties of drilling fluids
滤失filtration API滤失量API filtration
高温高压滤失量high temperature and high pressure filtration
动滤失量dynamic filtration 滤饼filter cake 含砂量sand content
钻井液固相含量solids content in drilling fluids
亚甲基兰实验methylene blue test
石灰含量lime content estimation
钻井液的酚酞碱度Pm alkalinity 滤液酚酞碱度Pt alkalinity
滤液甲基橙碱度Mf alkalinity 造浆率yield
破乳电压emulsion-breaking voltage
钻井液流变性drilling fluids rheology 漏斗粘度funnel viscosity
触变性thixotropic behavior 静切力gel strength
初切力initial gel strength 终切力10-minuto gel strength
剪切降粘特性shear-thinning behavior
钻井液受污染contamination of drilling fluids
粘土侵clay contamination 盐侵salt contamination
盐水侵salt water contamination 钙侵calcium contamination
砂侵sand contamination 水侵water contamination
气侵gas contamination 钻井液处理剂mud additives
降失水剂filtrate or reduction agents 增粘剂thickening agent
膨润土增效剂agents of increasing bentonite
降粘剂thinning agents 加重剂weighting agents
堵漏剂lost circulation materials 水敏性页岩water-sensitive shale
膨润土的预水化pre-hydrated bentonite 固相控制solid control
钻屑cutting 砂sand 泥silt 胶体颗粒colloidal solids
钻进drilling 钻进技术drilling technology
钻进技术参数drilling parameters 钻压weight on bit
悬重和钻重string suspending weight and drilling weight
转速rpm-revolution per minute 排量rate of flow
零轴向点zero axial stress point 中性点neutral point
开钻spud in 完钻finishing drilling 送钻bit feed

关于钻井液性能测试静切力符号和钻井液切力测定方法的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。 钻井液性能测试静切力符号的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于钻井液切力测定方法、钻井液性能测试静切力符号的信息别忘了在本站进行查找喔。

